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Current Bid
26/05/2024 12:10 am

Mystical Feather Opal Wrap Ring

Dimensions (mm)
1.000 x 1.000 x 1.000mm
Weight (cts)
Ring Size
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 5

The "Mystical Feather Opal Wrap Ring" from Jewelry Lane is a captivating piece that intertwines the allure of nature with the magic of opalescence. This unique ring evokes the spirit of freedom and the mysteries of nature, making it a true standout in any collection.

Forged with the finest craftsmanship, the ring features a detailed feather design that wraps gracefully around the finger, creating a sense of movement and fluidity. The textured details of the feathers are meticulously carved to catch the light and emulate the delicate structure of a bird's plumage.

At the crest of this spiraling design sits a mesmerizing opal, like a drop of morning dew glistening in the first light of day. The opal's iridescent play-of-color dances with fiery greens, yellows, and oranges, reminiscent of a sunrise that whispers secrets of ancient wisdom.

This sterling silver ring is not just an accessory, but a talisman of creativity and personal expression. Its adjustable design ensures a comfortable fit, symbolizing adaptability and growth. Whether worn as a symbol of hope, a celebration of nature, or simply for its ethereal beauty, the "Mystical Feather Opal Wrap Ring" is a treasure for those who wear their hearts on their sleeves and their dreams on their fingers.

With its enchanting presence, this ring from Jewelry Lane promises to be a conversation starter and a cherished piece for years to come. It's the perfect gift for the dreamers, the artists, and the free-spirited souls who walk among us.

Adjustable ring so 1 size will fit most

Note: ignore the weight field as it is irrelevant

Shipping provider Shipping to United States of America Shipping to rest of world
Standard Shipping - Tracked $9.00 / 21 days $9.00 / 21 days
United States of America
Standard Shipping - Tracked is discounted to $16.00 on orders with 2 or more items
Rest of the world
Standard Shipping - Tracked is discounted to $16.00 on orders with 2 or more items

Jewelry Lane is a leading jewelry brand, known for its high-quality, handmade pieces. With a strong focus on craftsmanship and attention to detail, we have established ourselves as a go-to destination for those seeking unique and elegant jewelry. Our jewelry is crafted in both China and India by skilled artisans who use traditional techniques to create one-of-a-kind pieces. We take pride in working with these artisans and supporting their communities, as well as in using ethical sourcing practices for all of our materials. From classic rings to colorful gemstone pieces, we have something for every occasion and style. Our collections are constantly evolving as we seek out new inspiration and trends, ensuring that there is always something fresh and exciting to discover at Jewelry Lane. Thank you for considering Jewelry Lane for your jewelry needs. We hope to have the opportunity to work with you and bring your jewelry dreams to life.
Boston, United States of America
2726 Feedback

  • strapped

    Received with thanks.

  • strapped

    Received with thanks.

  • strapped

    Received with thanks.

  • dreamkeeperjeri

    Expensive shipping for 10 day shipping time within the states, arrived in a plastic Made-In-China zip lock baggy. A pretty ring, but fake in every aspect, seller should state resin gem. Will not buy from seller again.

  • strapped

    Received with thanks.

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Shipping Details

$9.00 21 days via Standard Shipping - Tracked
Ships from:
United States of America

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  • paypal
  • stripe
  • gempay


Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 202593
Starting Bid : $1
Starts : 17th May 2024 05:10 pm AEST
Ends : 26th May 2024 05:10 pm AEST
* All prices are in USD