3D Shopping Opal and Gemstone Jewelry

3D image TV screens without 3D glasses have already been invented but are extremely expensive.

But in a few years you can expect to see screens in actual 3D, so screen can be viewed from any part of the room.

Imagine walking around the room to view an opal or gemstone.

Today we only have Anaglyph 3D and need to wear glasses to see in 2D, but in the future we will have Stereoscopic to Hologram or

laser screens and no glasses will be needed.

Already we are seeing Water TV, where ultra thin water sprayed and images display a hologram.

Water Mist version prototypes are also in experimental stages all over world.

4D imagery is also in experimental stages where you will feel wind against your face.

We can just imagine in the not-too-distant future what this will do for the opal and gemstone jewelry online sales!

The advances of 3D product display tools have produced an ambiance, in which jewellery dealers cannot manage to be left behind thus, the consumer desire is quite increasing and improving the buying experiences. Through the existence of these 3D product displays on their online, jewellery stores can endorse and show their products thoroughly.

We can just imagine in the not-too-distant future what this will do for the opal and gemstone jewelry online sales!

The advances of 3D product display tools have produced an ambiance, in which jewellery dealers cannot manage to be left behind thus, the consumer desire is quite increasing and improving the buying experiences. Through the existence of these 3D product displays on their online, jewellery stores can endorse and show their products thoroughly.

Furthermore, 3D product-display transformed from the old tradition by letting the clients to see such piece, check it around, examine it from several angles, and even try how these pieces well-match on their body, and really feels that “you’re almost there”, and then, stimulating their mind to make a purchase.

But today we can try and give buyers a view on the listed items as accurate as possible.

Opals are difficult to take pictures and our sellers have to try and list image to be accurate image of the opal colours.

Opals are the most difficult gemstone to take pictures of as the complex formation of opal colours is difficult to capture on digital

cameras i.e. some blue opal have bottom colour purple that is not visible to naked eye. This helps make the blue colour look

electric blue, but when the image is taken the photo will show the purple colour stronger than the blue.

We do not have 3D imagery but sellers can improve photos to give buyers the best possible accurate view.

Even our coins, as everyone knows are completely flat but our sellers try to give realistic aspect of this image by showing

the reflection of the coin, as this gives impression of 3 Dimensional.



Our verified sellers are not allowed to post images with just black backgrounds as this can make the opal or gemstone to enhanced and not accurate.

Sellers also need to have hand shot in each listing so easy to gauge accuracy of the image.


Images done on same back ground can also be boring to the buyer or not show colour display accurate .

Sellers should offer images in different lights or locations to help the buyer.

Example -


Items such as boulder opalswith pattern do look good to attract the buyer.

Macro is also good for first image to display bright colour or pattern


Holding a stone by tweezers or on glass top so background is blurry but stone image is sharp and clear like this gemstone tanzanite


Using dark background ,not black so item reflects and hand shots and neutral shots give buyers overall aspect of colour in different lights or shades example earrings


Images taken on mirror or shiny top to reflect do give illusion 3 D also


In some cases a border does give 3D effect


White lights to Fluorescent lights do display different hues colour,so informing buyer of lights used is an advantage in this quartz


we take videos today by moving opal in hand or on turntable or stick.

Try leaving opal stationary and moving the video camera instead does give different effect


A mixture of above styles greatly helps gemstone buyer make an informed choice

If seller only lists one style image he is disadvantaged against seller who will go to effort to display as many different styles a s possible.

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