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28/09/2023 10:00 am

For Youngsters Aquamarine Ring

Afmetingen (mm)
7.000 x 10.200 x 5.600mm
Gewicht (cts)
Ring Size

Item: Ring
Weight: 11.62 Carat

Main Gem type: Aquamarine

Treatment: NONE

Main Gem Shape: Oval

Main Gem Color: Blue

Main Quality: Clean

Aquamarine is a transparent, light-blue to greenish-blue variety of beryl, a mineral that is also the source of emeralds. The name aquamarine is derived from the Latin words aqua, meaning "water", and marina, meaning "of the sea". This gemstone is most often light in tone and ranges from greenish blue to blue-green. The color is usually more intense in larger stones, and darker blue stones are very valuable.

Aquamarine is the birthstone for March. It is also associated with the zodiac signs Aquarius and Pisces. This gemstone is said to promote love, fidelity, and courage. It is also said to be a calming stone that can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

Aquamarine is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Russia, Madagascar, and Zambia. It is a relatively common gemstone, and prices vary depending on the size, color, and clarity of the stone.

Here are some of the special properties of aquamarine:

  • It is said to promote love, fidelity, and courage.

  • It is said to be a calming stone that can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

  • It is said to be beneficial for the eyes, throat, and lungs.

  • It is said to be a powerful protection stone that can ward off negative energy.

If you are looking for a gemstone that is both beautiful and meaningful, aquamarine is a great choice. It is a stone of serenity and peace, and it is said to bring good luck and fortune to its wearer.

Here are some additional facts about aquamarine:

  • The largest aquamarine ever found weighed over 240 pounds.

  • Aquamarine is sometimes referred to as the "breath stone" because it is said to help with respiratory problems.

  • Aquamarine is often used in jewelry, but it can also be used in meditation and healing rituals.


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Inter Trading Centre is a leading jewelry manufacturing and trading company that specializes in crafting high-quality, elegant, and timeless jewelry pieces. Our expert artisans use state-of-the-art techniques to create stunning designs that capture the essence of beauty and sophistication. We work with a wide range of materials, including gold, silver, diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones, to craft exquisite pieces that are perfect for any occasion. At Inter Trading Centre, we are committed to providing our clients with the finest quality jewelry at affordable prices. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service, and our team of knowledgeable professionals is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Whether you are looking for a special gift for a loved one or something special for yourself, we have a wide selection of beautiful jewelry to choose from. In addition to our manufacturing capabilities, we also offer jewelry trading services to our clients. Our extensive network of suppliers and retailers allows us to source the finest quality materials at the most competitive prices, which we pass on to our clients. We work with a wide range of clients, from individual consumers to large-scale retailers, and we are committed to providing exceptional service to each and every one of our clients. At Inter Trading Centre, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional quality and value to our clients. We believe that every piece of jewelry tells a unique story, and we are honored to be a part of that story. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create the perfect piece of jewelry for any occasion.
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$12.00 14 dagen via Standard Shipping - Tracked
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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 180881
Geschatte adviesprijs : $600.00
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 15th September 2023 03:00 am AEST
Loopt af : 29th September 2023 03:00 am AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta